Take Action
Urge your Representative to vote against this deceptive and dangerous bill, the Stop Terror-Financing and Tax Penalties on American Hostages Act (H.R. 9495)
H.R. 9495 would give Trump’s Treasury secretary the power to declare any non-profit a “terrorist supporting organization” and to strip them of their tax-exempt status –without requiring any evidence.
URGE Members of Congress to Fund WIC, SNAP, Childcare and Rental Assistance
Gender-based violence (GBV) poses a serious threat to the welfare of those that experience it. About one in four women within the U.S. experience some type of physical violence from an intimate partner and one in four women have reported experiencing an attempted or completed rape during their life.
URGE Members of Congress to Fund WIC, SNAP, Childcare and Rental Assistance
The deal reached by the leadership will still require difficult negotiations, likely because so many conservative members of the House believe that their role is to dramatically cut government spending, no matter the impact on millions of families. The Read more …