While access to health care in terms of saving, killing, or replacing the Affordable Care Act is a popular topic on the campaign trail, candidates’ medical focus is still on our reproductive organs. Even when politicians talk about cancer, the focus is usually breast cancer. To paraphrase Ronald Reagan in one of his better movie roles, what about the rest of me?
A report on gender pay inequality by the Joint Economic Committee Democratic Staff, U.S. Congress
Tens of millions of Americans lose Social Security retirement benefits after leaving the workforce to care for loved ones; The Social Security Caregiver Credit Act will provide modest retirement compensation to unpaid family caregivers.
Republicans have been gunning for Social Security for decades. This is understandable, as an ideological matter, because Social Security’s very existence undermines the anti-government mythology on which the modern conservative movement thrives. The nation’s public retirement system stands as living proof that large government programs can be successful, popular, and extremely efficient.
AAPF’s week of online events for #HerDreamDeferred