Had Bernie been Bernadette — The heartbreaking truth about American patriarchy

What does it mean to be a radical feminist woman who does not support Hillary because of her record, all the while knowing she would not be where she is with Bernie’s record as her own?

Why Indiana’s New Abortion Bill Is So Potentially Dangerous

A bill that would put strict restrictions on reproductive rights for women has passed Indiana’s House of Representatives and is headed to the state’s governor for signing. The bill, known as HB 1337, excludes aborted fetuses from typical biological waste regulations, a stipulation that experts fear will make women who have an abortion or miscarriage responsible for the disposal of the fetus through cremation or burial.

Defining Hillary

Hillary Clinton is exactly what she says she is — a fighter for us, who gets things done. I almost wrote “a progressive who gets things done,” but I think it may be a mistake to give more oxygen to this argument over who is the real “progressive,” Hillary or Bernie.

Washington Post Cited Bogus “Post-Abortion Syndrome” Myth Without Saying It’s Been Discredited

A Washington Post piece on anti-choice groups going before the Supreme Court discussed “post-abortion syndrome” without explaining that the concept was created by a discredited researcher and has no medical evidence behind it. The piece also neglected to point out that the group pushing the myth, Americans United for Life (AUL), is an extreme anti-choice organization trying to eliminate all abortion access, even in cases of rape and incest.

An ABC Handbook For Native Girls

Created by The Native American Women’s Health Education Resource Center (NAWHERC) and designed by Lucy Bonner, “What To Do When You’re Raped” is an illustrated guide created to answer the questions women face following a sexual assault, from thinking through buying emergency contraception, to getting tested for STDS, to who to turn to for support.