Gender Wage Gap Smallest on Record, but Women Still Earn 21% Less Than Men

Women working full-time, year-round jobs earned 78.6% of what similar men did in 2014, according to a Census report released Wednesday. That’s the smallest gap on record back to 1960.

Nineteen Lawmakers Urge NFL To Pay Cheerleaders Minimum Wage

Legislators representing eight states sent a letter to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell on Wednesday urging him to implement a league-wide standard of classifying cheerleaders as employees – entitling them to minimum wage and other employee protections.

New Research Shows The Disastrous Outcome Of Defunding Planned Parenthood

As anti-abortion lawmakers threaten to risk a government shutdown unless Planned Parenthood is stripped of its federal funding, a new study illustrates the potentially disastrous effects of undermining the national women’s health organization.

The Day Women Went on Strike

On Aug. 26, 1970, a full 50 years after the passage of the 19th Amendment granted women the right to vote, 50,000 feminists paraded down New York City’s Fifth Avenue with linked arms, blocking the major thoroughfare during rush hour. Now, 45 years later, the legacy of that day continues to evolve.

How False Narratives of Margaret Sanger Are Being Used to Shame Black Women

Any argument that Black women in America should disavow Planned Parenthood because of some history of anti-Blackness would necessarily require that Black women disavow the very country in which we live.