What It’s Like to Be an Activist When Your State Is Hostile to Reproductive Rights

Author Robin Marty interviews reproductive rights activists in conservative areas for Cosmopolitan: “I don’t know if it’s ever easy to be an activist, but I do think red-state work is important because we’ve gotten into this rut on the left of thinking that it’s perfectly acceptable for there to be certain states where you can be super-liberal and have awesome civil rights, and that people who don’t live in those states are somehow choosing to live in more oppressive environments.”

I Had an Ectopic Pregnancy, and Anti-Choice Laws Could Have Made My Experience Much Worse

Author Natasha Chart writes for RH Reality Check: “Modern medicine has given us many wonders. But I think that makes it easy to forget, or to conveniently obscure, that every pregnancy is a risk. We can forget that every pregnancy is so risky that, if it weren’t a pregnancy but a procedure, we would have to sign a thick pile of consent forms and liability waivers to undertake it. If it weren’t a pregnancy, we’d have to opt in for it, rather than have moralizing strangers talk about why we should be forced to stick with it, hell or high water.”

Women Who Had Abortions After 20 Weeks Explain Why They’re Necessary

Author Tara Culp-Ressler writes for ThinkProgress: “‘We wanted to give our child every possible opportunity. If she was going to survive, we wanted to give her that opportunity,’ O’Donnell said. ‘So we waited.’”

Stand Your Ground’s Woman Problem: Laws Expanding Self-Defense Raise Questions About Gender as Well as Race

Author Mary Anne Franks writes for The Huffington Post: “A person can presume that a stranger breaking into his house means him harm, and can thus use deadly force against the stranger. A domestic violence victim cannot presume that the person who has been beating her or has threatened to kill her — even a person against whom she has obtained a protective order — means her harm if he enters their home, and she cannot use deadly force against him until the moment he attacks her.”

Virginia GOP Rescinds Support For Equal Rights Amendment

Samantha Lachman writes for The Huffington Post: “The fate of a bill calling for Virginia to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution remains in flux after the state Senate’s Republican leadership undid a successful vote on the matter Tuesday in retribution for Democratic action on an unrelated bill.”