Republicans won big in the 2014 elections. They captured the Senate and gained seats in the House. But they didn’t do it by running to the right. They did it, to a surprising extent, by embracing ideas and standards that came from the left.
My worldview has completely shifted over the past couple years, not in a vast, lumbering way, but in degrees of nuance, in understanding of the experience of others. And I have the people I follow on Twitter to thank…They’re not activists or radicals or humorless prudes. They’re just women.
The new compensation law says, to be eligible, operations have to have occurred under the state’s Eugenics Board. As it turns out, the board very likely wasn’t aware of all the sterilizations taking place.
Lewis’s campaign could have offered a template for how a populist message—carried by the right candidate and backed by aggressive grassroots voter registration, education and turnout—can neutralize the oligarchs’ money.
We need to see abortion as an urgent practical decision that is just as moral as the decision to have a child—indeed, sometimes more moral…Actually, abortion is part of being a mother and of caring for children, because part of caring for children is knowing when it’s not a good idea to bring them into the world.